Meta Character or Pattern Description
\ Marks the next character as special. 
For example the Regexp pattern /n/ matches the character "n". If you need to check for \n (The new-line character) you must mark the n as special by using a back-slash character. /\n/ matches a linefeed or newline character.
^xxx Checks if the string xxx is at the beginning of the subject string.

e.g :    $str=~ /^UNIX/ returns true if  "UNIX" is at the beginnig of the string contained in $str.

zzz$ Checks if the string zzz is at the end of the subject string.

e.g :    $str=~ /UNIX$/ returns true if  "UNIX" is the last 4 characters of the string contained in $str.

A* Matches if the string "A" is repeated 0 or more times. Please note that the regexp "/A*/" WILL MATCH ANY string. /zo+/ matches "zoo" and "zoa."
A+ Matches if the string "A" is repeated 1 or more times.  /zo+/ matches "zoo" but not "zoa."
A? Matches if the string "A" is repeated 0 or 1 time. /zo?/ matches /zoa/ but not /zoo/.
A{n} Matches if the string "A" is repeated exactly n times. 
A{n,} Matches if the string "A" is repeated at least n times. 
A{n,m} Matches if the string "A" is repeated at least n and at most m times. 
A{,m} Matches if the string "A" is repeated at most m times. 
. Matches any single character except a newline character.
[xyz] Matches any one of the enclosed characters exists in the subject string.
You can use range of values as the list of patterns. e.g. [0-9] represents [0123456789] an can be used to test if a character is a digit. Another popular range to test against is [a-zA-Z] which matches all letters; both uppercase and lowercase.
[^xyz] Is the negated version of the above test. It reads "If character is NOT one of x, y and z".
A\b Matches if "A" is at a  word boundary. e.g  /\bUgur\b/ matches " Ugur " but not to " Ugurlu".
\B NOT word-boundary
\d Matches a digit.
\D Matches a nondigit.
\n Matches a linefeed (new line) character.
\r Matches a carriage return character.
\s Matches any white space including spaces, tabs, form-feeds, line-feeds
\S Matches any nonwhite space character.
\t Matches a tab character.
\w Matches any word character (characters allowed in English words). Includes the underscore. Equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_].
\W Matches any nonword character; like punctuation characters