Of Carrots, Bombshells And Four-Figure Incomes
Now that you've got the basics down, how about taking it to the next level? It's also possible to search for white space, numbers and alphabetic characters with a regular expression - and here's the merry gang of meta-characters that will help you do just that:

\s = used to match a single white space character, including tabs and newline characters

\S = used to match everything that is *not* a white space character

\d = used to match numbers from 0 to 9

\w = used to match letters, numbers and underscores

\W = used to match anything that does not match with \w

. = used to match everything except the newline character

Now, you're probably thinking, "Hey, that's great - but what does it all mean?!". Well, suppose you wanted to find all the white space in a document...


Easy, isn't it? If you're looking only for numbers, try


So, if you had a complex financial spreadsheet in front of you, and you wanted to quickly find all amounts of a thousand dollars or more, you could use


How about limiting your search to the beginning or end of a string? Well, that's why we have "pattern anchors" - these simply tie your regular expression to either the first or last character of the string, and come in very useful when you're looking for a way to filter through a mass of matches.

There are two basic pattern anchors - the first one is represented by a caret [^], and is used to indicate that the expression should be matched only at the beginning of the string that it is applied to. For example, the expression


will return a match only if it finds a word beginning with "hell" - "hello" and "hellhound", but not "shell".

And similarly, to match the end of a string, there's the "$" pattern anchor. So


would match "scar", "car" and "bar", though not "art", "army" or "arrow".

There's also a simpler way to add pattern anchors to your expression - the \b meta-character. This is used to check that the regex matches the boundary of a string, and it can be placed either at the beginning or end of the pattern to be matched - like this:


This would match both "bombay" and "bombshell", while


would match "human", "woman" and "man", though not "manitou" or "mannequin". And the converse of this is \B, which matches everywhere but at the boundaries of a string.

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